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Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, CA
Citygate was retained by the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District and the Sacramento County Department of Airports to review the operational and economic issues associated with the consolidation of Metro Fire with the Natomas Fire District surrounding the Sacramento International Airport.
San Diego County, CA
Citygate completed a project to implement a phased process designed to establish a blueprint for improving the County of San Diego’s regional fire protection and emergency medical system. The study assessed levels of service, identified future needs, provided options for a regional governance structure, and developed cost-feasible proposals to improve the region’s ability to respond to natural or manmade disaster, including wildfires, earthquakes, terrorism, and other multiple-hazard events; bolster day-to-day operations for local agencies; and enhance the delivery of fire and emergency medical services in the County. The study exceeded the County’s expectations and was very well received by the elected officials and stakeholders in May 2010. The County has since retained Citygate to provide ad hoc assistance with implementation of the study’s recommendations. More information on this study, including links to watch the final presentation, listen to a related radio interview with Stewart Gary, view study documents, and read local news articles, is available here: The Board of Supervisors voted 5–0 to adopt Citygate’s recommendations, and the County is now in the process of implementing the recommendations.
California Redevelopment Association, CA
Citygate served for a decade as the association management firm for the California Redevelopment Association (CRA), a nonprofit, statewide organization comprised of over 300 city and county agencies in addition to over 200 private sector firms from a variety of disciplines. Citygate was responsible for evaluating all policies related to redevelopment and the CRA. Citygate also performed services such as media relations, administering and analyzing surveys that were used to provide input into legislative affairs, policy recommendations and implementation strategies, administrative and support services for the strategic planning and community needs assessments on behalf of members, budget evaluations, interviews, seminars and workshops, and publications. An integral component of Citygate's management services was providing pertinent, comprehensive, and useful guidelines to the public sector practitioners in the field on behalf of the CRA.
California Department of Corrections, Parole and Community Services Division
Citygate completed a Statewide Parole Agent III workload and staffing study. The scope of the study involved the identification of tasks related to social services and corrections, the frequency and time required for completion, the determination of required staffing levels, and the development of formulae for determining sufficient supervisory staffing levels. The methodology utilized, consistent with approaches successfully applied in formulating State government staffing standards, included the reasonable estimates of an expert panel and field observations of actual time spent per task. The work involved approximately 25 days of on-site observations throughout California. This study of Parole Agent staffing was mandated by the State Legislature in anticipation of future budget formulae revisions.
California Redevelopment Association, CA
Citygate served for a decade as the association management firm for the California Redevelopment Association (CRA), a nonprofit, statewide organization comprised of over 300 city and county agencies in addition to over 200 private sector firms from a variety of disciplines. Citygate was responsible for evaluating all policies related to redevelopment and the CRA. Citygate also performed services such as media relations, administering and analyzing surveys that were used to provide input into legislative affairs, policy recommendations and implementation strategies, administrative and support services for the strategic planning and community needs assessments on behalf of members, budget evaluations, interviews, seminars and workshops, and publications. An integral component of Citygate's management services was providing pertinent, comprehensive, and useful guidelines to the public sector practitioners in the field on behalf of the CRA.
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January 28, 2022

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