The following article was acquired from the San Diego Union Tribune, and was authored by David Garrick. Click here to read the news release in its entirety.

Study says San Diego needs more fire stations, new approaches

“A new analysis says San Diego needs to build at least 10 additional fire stations and embrace new emergency response methods to adequately serve the sprawling and increasingly congested city.”


“Fire Chief Brian Fennessy said that’s primarily because new technologies exist to better analyze how congestion affects response times, and because the Fire-Rescue Department has more robust data about its operations than it did seven years ago.”

“‘The modeling is far more advanced,’ he said.”


“Fennessy said the city plans to embrace all of the recommendations in the 280-page report, which is scheduled to be discussed Wednesday by the City Council’s Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee.”

“‘We envision a mix of fast response squads, peak-hour engine companies, continuing to build stations that are under way and working toward the future when we can plug those other gaps,’ he said.”

“Alan Arrollado, president of the labor union representing city firefighters and a 29-year veteran, also praised the report.”

“‘I’ve watched this problem grow through my whole career,’ said Arrollado, explaining that the city’s fire coverage hasn’t kept up with its growth. ‘These last couple reports are the first times we’ve gotten documents that really articulate where these shortages are.'”

“He also said the union is open to the new approaches the report recommends.”


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