Project List

City of Atwater, CA
Scope of work: In partnership with Griffin Structures, Citygate will conduct a summary-level gap analysis of the City’s public safety programs and compare them with the likely impacts of growth. This review will be based on current California and federal standards and other best practice publications. Citygate will examine existing agency caseloads and will prepare executive summary-level reports for the Fire and Police Departments.
City of Atwater, CA
Citygate completed a high-level Master Plan for the Atwater Fire Department. This project included a Standards of Coverage analysis, a review of the Fire Department’s headquarters positions and programs and the capability to support the Department’s needs, and an evaluation of the option of contracting fire services with CAL FIRE. It concluded with a summary of phasing priorities and costs. The City of Atwater agreed with Citygate’s recommendations to contract with CAL FIRE, which was successfully done in the year following the study.

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