Project List

Placer County, CA
Citygate developed a fire service consolidation implementation plan for the Placer County Department of Administrative Services on behalf of the County Executive Office. This study reviewed the adequacy of the current fire services system for not only service delivery, but for fiscal solvency over the long term.
Placer County, CA
Citygate reviewed major development agreements and advised the Office of the County Executive Officer on strategies for consistency with other County planning policies and documents.
Placer County, CA
Citygate recommended a law enforcement operational plan for each of three new developments planned for the County: Placer Vineyards, De La Salle, and Placer Ranch. Citygate was also asked to determine the annual cost of each operational plan, in current dollars, at buildout of each development. Determining the cost in each year up to the “buildout year” was jointly determined not to be feasible at the time since projected annual phasing of each development was not available to either the County or Citygate.
Placer County, CA
Citygate assessed and recommended parks and recreation facilities for planned new developments within the County.
Placer County, CA
Citygate provided the Sheriff-Coroner-Marshal Department of Placer County with professional technical services related to development impact planning as it relates to police protection and prevention services.
Placer County, CA
Citygate assessed critical land development processes, including Environmental Review, Improvement Plan Check, Building Plan Check, and Final Map Approval Plan Check for Placer County’s Land Development Departments. This assessment involved working with department heads, senior managers, staff, and key stakeholders to review operation, organization, and staffing issues that affect the effectiveness, efficiency, and timeliness of the permitting process. This assessment resulted in approximately 50 recommendations and an Action Plan for their implementation.

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