Fees/Chares and Cost Recovery for Community Development Department Activities
Service type.

Completed Projects

Fees/Chares and Cost Recovery for Community Development Department Activities

Completed Date:
November 2019
Project Description:

Citygate completed a fees/charges and cost recovery review for the following Community Development Department programs in Clark County, Washington: Building Safety, Permit Center, Development Engineering, Fire Marshal, Land Use Review, Wetland and Habitat Review, and Administration (includes business technology). The goal of this study was for Citygate to review the overall financial operation of Department programs and provide recommendations for revenue enhancement (fees and charges review) or cost reduction to help make the Department operation more self-supporting, achieving full cost-recovery if possible. Citygate assessed the impact and resolution of fee latency (delayed or lost) for receiving revenues (primarily applicable to Wetland and Habitat Review and Land Use Review programs).


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