Police Workload and Staffing Study
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Completed Projects

Police Workload and Staffing Study

Completed Date:
Project Description:

Citygate, in partnership with COAR Design Group (formerly Jeff Katz Architecture), conducted a police workload and staffing study for the City of Los Altos, California, as part of the City’s larger plan exploring options for renovating its current police headquarters facility or constructing a new facility. For this study, Citygate evaluated the adequacy of staffing levels for current workload and whether Department command staff’s goals and objectives related to staffing and community service level expectations were being met; examined the current organizational structure; provided a structured and defensible methodology for the Department’s staff to use in projecting future staffing needs; identified where data and community needs indicate new service delivery methods are needed; identified any redundancies, gaps, and opportunities for applying best practices in the provision of core services; and made recommendations for staffing levels that will allow the Department to maintain or increase its current level of services, as well as recommended any emerging technologies that may assist or enhance intelligence-led policing strategies.

Los Altos

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