Project List

San Diego County, CA
Scope of work: in partnership with Michael Baker International (MBI), Citygate delivered a report and companion technical exhibits identifying the key elements of the requested review regarding the potential impacts of the proposed traffic control options on fire and EMS response times associated with Valley Center Road Corridor Concept Plan (CCP) options. Research work included: review of the impacts of roundabouts on both emergency response times and disaster evacuation routes; review of the 2022 Draft Corridor Concept Plan Report prepared by Michael Baker International (MBI); comparison of the use of intersection controls on emergency response times and disaster evacuation routes, including traffic signals and roundabouts; comparison of historical fire unit travel time records to CCP design traffic control models; and review of published practices regarding roundabouts and emergency responses.
San Diego County, CA
Scope of work: A study of Paramedic Ambulance Services throughout the Unified Service Area of San Diego County, CA. This study includes review of the organization’s existing and historical financial and business operations; comparing financial, business operations, revenue sources, service costs and deliverables to other similar organizations in other regions/areas; providing multi-year projections; and showing areas of efficiencies, deficiencies, and models for improvement with detailed methods for implementation.
San Diego County, CA
Citygate assisted the County of San Diego’s newly-formed Planning and Development Services Department with an organizational change management program emphasizing customer-centric service.
San Diego County, CA
Citygate provided assistance to the County with its development review process as a follow-up to Citygate’s functional and organizational analysis of the Department of Planning and Land Use in 2008. The project objective was to improve the organizational structure and ensuing customer service enhancements.
San Diego County, CA
Citygate was retained to develop and analyze reorganizational structures of the departments and functions involved in the County’s development permit review process as they prepared for relocation to a new facility. Citygate’s review focused on identifying a customer-friendly and cost-effective approach to organizing the functions and departments around the development permit review process, rather than having the process adapt to the existing and historical multi-departmental operational silos.
San Diego County, CA
Citygate completed a project to implement a phased process designed to establish a blueprint for improving the County of San Diego’s regional fire protection and emergency medical system. The study assessed levels of service, identified future needs, provided options for a regional governance structure, and developed cost-feasible proposals to improve the region’s ability to respond to natural or manmade disaster, including wildfires, earthquakes, terrorism, and other multiple-hazard events; bolster day-to-day operations for local agencies; and enhance the delivery of fire and emergency medical services in the County. The study exceeded the County’s expectations and was very well received by the elected officials and stakeholders in May 2010. The County has since retained Citygate to provide ad hoc assistance with implementation of the study’s recommendations. More information on this study, including links to watch the final presentation, listen to a related radio interview with Stewart Gary, view study documents, and read local news articles, is available here: The Board of Supervisors voted 5–0 to adopt Citygate’s recommendations, and the County is now in the process of implementing the recommendations.
San Diego County, CA
Citygate completed an organizational and functional analysis of the Department of Planning and Land Use (DPLU) and associated land development services to ensure the most efficient use of staff time and resources, improve customer service, improve the quality and completeness of work, and ensure that the land development process promotes safe and livable communities. To accomplish these objectives, Citygate analyzed the policies, procedures, management, and operations of the programs and designed improvements for the future. Permitting processes included the provision of all utilities and also involved the engineering functions within the Public Works Department and the Land Development Division. As part of Citygate’s review, an employee survey was conducted, as well as a customer survey, and recommendations were made for improving the Department’s existing customer satisfaction survey forms. Many challenges affected the DPLU, including a need to streamline internal processes and provide seamless processing as permits moved between departments and agencies, create more reliable and predictable regulatory outcomes, improve staff productivity and accountability, and enhance relationships within the development community, with local residents, and with special interest stakeholders. Citygate provided nearly 80 recommendations to improve organizational capacity and clarify strategic direction; provide appropriate performance measurements to monitor productivity of customer service delivery, the organization as a whole, and individual staff; reorganize the structure to better align reporting relationships and decision making and to streamline processes; and identify opportunities to generate more revenue to offset operating costs. Citygate’s recommendations enhanced organizational productivity and prepared the Department for significant downsizing.

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